Mobydo sign ePTW contract with COSL Drilling Europe AS
We are happy to announce a contract with COSL Drilling Europe for implementation of Smart®Permit, a digital control of work solution based on NOG 088 and HSG250. The system was piloted to a POC on COSLInnovator in 2019. It is now being implemented, in cooperation with CGI Norge and Cegal, on COSLPioner and COSLPromoter operating in the north sea.
It has taken more than 50 years, but it's now time to transform the paper forms and paper archives to digital real-time solutions when coordinating and controlling simultaneous work activities in offshore operation. Insight, awareness, and understanding of the situations are values provided by the tools. The work permit system is one of several operational barrier elements designed to prevent major accidents. The transition to a digital work permit system, including associated support systems, can both ensure better compliance with procedures and provide greater assurance that this vital safety barrier is functional at all times.
Today's generation of offshore workers deserves solutions that appeal and provide the necessary support and insight and ensures more uniform management of activities across companies. Proper planning and coordination of simultaneous actions in risky areas are critical to controlling risk and therefore require efficient and controlled processes for signing and approving. Get rid of static forms and unavailable paper archives and welcome to dynamically updated digital solutions, "synced" and "replicated" to onshore, preserving knowledge and history and enable better collaboration between the "offshore" and "onshore" organization.
We at Mobydo are therefore both pleased and proud to announce a new agreement with COSL Drilling Europe AS on the delivery of Smart Permit to the company's drilling rigs which currently operate in the Norwegian and UK sectors. The delivery includes COSLInnovator, COSLPioner, and COSLPromoter rigs. Together with COSL and local partners CGI Norway and Cegal, we have piloted the solution to COSL Innovator in 2019 and are now ready for implementation in normal offshore operations.
COSL Drilling Europe AS is an international drilling company owned by China Oilfield Services Limited. COSL is a significant player and one of the most efficient rig companies in the North Sea with a portfolio of 4 modern drilling rigs and two accommodation units. The company is at the forefront of the digital transformation in a traditionally very conservative industry. We are therefore delighted that the company also shares our ambition to launch Smart Permit in the global market, and to help fulfill Mobydo's overall vision of "helping prevent accidents".
This delivery is a significant milestone for Mobydo and CGI Norway and is a big step forward in improving safety in offshore operations. Continuous improvement is essential for safety, is necessary for the industry and also in great interest of the community. Smart Permit is a Norwegian-developed digital work permit and risk awareness system for all types of industries (offshore and onshore). Especially useful at facilities where risk analysis and good situational understanding are essential for safe job execution. Mobydo's solution is developed in close collaboration with end-users in the offshore industry and based on best practice and recommended guidelines in NOG 088 and HSG250. The project is rooted in the Konkraft initiative of Norwegian Oil and Gas of 2018. The Konkraft report presents specific digitization needs and the demand for uniform solutions within the control of work area (which includes work permit, safe job analysis, and energy isolation).
CGI, our operating partner, has for over 20 years helped oil and gas companies around the world focus more on core business and less on infrastructure. During these years, they have built up valuable knowledge of framework conditions, software solutions, problems and expectations in the oil and gas sector. CGI is a local provider with global experience and expertise within multiple areas. Including service desk for one of the major global players, IT outsourcing and application management services for petroleum applications, and collaboration solution for all operators on the Norwegian continental shelf.
Cegal is a trusted global provider of hybrid cloud solutions, software, and consultancy within IT, business, geoscience, and data management for oil and gas. Cegal has more than 430 employees working to serve the global E&P industry from nine offices around the world.
The collaboration with COSL will also include parallel development activities. These R&D activities will consist of; data analysis and artificial intelligence (AI) development, AI-based decision support, cognitive solutions that can contribute to increased experience transfer and learning, as well as the gradual integration of digital modules for risk analysis and energy isolation. We choose a step-by-step approach to better measure the effects of each module. We are using indicators that enable us to measure both hard and soft values. It will include related impacts, e.g. user satisfaction, quality, productivity, and the most important, the effects on overall risk and incidents.
Mobydo has for several years, through major national and international R&D projects, worked on developing algorithms for decision support associated with work operations in hazardous environments. The company has also participated in several major innovation projects in collaboration with SINTEF ICT, Norway's leading research institute and ConocoPhillips Scandinavia. It is therefore very satisfying for us to have the opportunity to demonstrate the technology in normal offshore operations. Such opportunities will give us essential knowledge and experience that we, together with COSL, will use to develop smart digital decision-making solutions for the future. Our goal is that the new solutions designed will contribute to a shared competitive advantage, new local jobs and exciting development opportunities for Norwegian IT technology from a global perspective.