Mobydo Smart Permit delivered to Shelf Drilling Barsk
Mobydo, a Norwegian provider of digital control of work solution, has been selected by Shelf Drilling to implement its Smart Permit application on Shelf Drilling Barsk, preparing for operations on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. Shelf Drilling, a leading contractor of jack-up rigs, is headquartered in Dubai with operations across Southeast Asia, India, West Africa, the North Sea, and MENAM. The company's focus on shallow water drilling, commitment to safety, and operational excellence, along with its strong customer relationships, make it a market leader in the industry. This marks Mobydo’s first partnership with Shelf Drilling, a preferred choice for top-tier drilling services worldwide. The delivery to Shelf Drilling will include an integration to Presight Barrier Monitoring system to form a combined and compelling safety solution.
Bernt Randeberg, CEO Mobydo says: As industry leaders in digitizing safety culture across the North Sea, we're thrilled to see our vision of streamlining and standardizing safety clearance of work offshore is resonating so well in the market. Our ability to adapt the software to industry-specific safety standards and seamlessly integrate it into clients' existing infrastructure guaranties a smooth and efficient implementation. Mobydo, provider of a global service supported by our trusted partners CGI and Cegal.